Veristar Green


Bureau Veritas launches an online platform to help assess compliance with new IMO carbon intensity regulations - EEXI and CII

Jun. 28 2021

Bureau Veritas (BV), a world leader in testing, inspection and certification, has introduced an online platform, VeriSTAR Green, to enable all shipowners to assess their compliance with EEXI and CII regulations. This tool is accessible from the Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore website.

In line with the 2050 International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) ambition to take action to combat climate change and its impacts, new amendments to cut the carbon intensity of existing ships have been adopted by the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC). These measures require ships to combine a technical and an operational approach to reduce their carbon intensity. The set of amendments include:

  • The technical requirement to reduce carbon intensity, based on a new Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI). The EEXI is to be applied for same type of vessels as the EEDI (merchant vessels of 400GT and above) with specific targets for each vessel type and size.
  • The operational carbon intensity reduction requirements, based on a new operational carbon intensity indicator (CII). Vessels will be rated on a five-tiered scale (from A to E) with corrective measures required for ratings D & E. CII will be applicable to merchant vessels of 5000 GT and above.

Shipowners can now access VeriSTAR Green to check a vessel’s required EEXI and either request verification or any technical advisory support from Bureau Veritas Solutions M&O (BVS), the technical advisory component of Bureau Veritas Group. Additionally, they will soon be able to self-calculate the attained EEXI for each type of ship, as BV will continue to expand VeriSTAR Green with new user-friendly functionalities, in line with MEPC 76 outcomes. Upcoming features will include a calculation of the carbon intensity index (CII) and the associated rating based on the requirements adopted by the MEPC.

Clients with a Data Collection System (DCS) or Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) contract with BV will also be able to use this platform to report their fuel consumption data and request verification.

Photo of Laurent Leblanc

Senior Vice President Technical & Operations

Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore

The regulation will enter into force in 2023. Until then, shipowners will need to pre-assess their compliance to get ready for the 2023 deadline. As a world-leading classification society, Bureau Veritas has an important role to play to support shipowners as they navigate these new regulations. I am proud that Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore and Bureau Veritas Solutions M&O have joined forces to open this dedicated online platform to help the industry tackle the EEXI & CII challenges in time to reach compliance.

VeriSTAR Green was introduced today during a Bureau Veritas webinar on EEXI and CII: Preparing the future EEXI & CII: a post MEPC 76 review. A new session of this webinar will take place on July 1st at 9.30 CEST. Click here to book your seat.

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