Cyber training



 As today’s marine and offshore assets become more remotely accessible and digitally connected, they also become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. For these reasons, cybersecurity is now included in International Safety Management (ISM) code training. Ship operators and crew thus must boost their cybersecurity awareness and ability to adopt a cyber risk philosophy.

To support management and crew, BV Solutions M&O has introduced a two-tier training package that aims to teach onboard operators what they need to know about cybersecurity, without burdening them with increased responsibility.  

Our added-value

Our aim is to make global cybersecurity messages accessible and understandable through awareness training specifically designed to cover both the fundamental concepts and in-depth aspects of cybersecurity

We deliver robust training solutions for management and crew

Training modules are all accessible through our user-friendly eAcademy online platform

Two-tier training package

According to each crew’s specific needs, BV Solutions M&O provides foundational and advanced training programs. Our first-level course provides essential cyber security awareness training for crew, and a comprehensive set of guidelines to help avoid the most common cyber traps. The second course addresses shipowner senior management and focuses on how to implement effective cyber risk management.

Simplified content delivery

Training resources are made easily accessible to users via BVS eAcademy, our e-learning platform. We provide one of the leading training services dedicated to maritime topics, and our cybersecurity training module is the most successful on BVS eAcademy.

Maritime customization

We take universal cybersecurity messages and translate them to fit the maritime industry.

Procedure framework development

With training covering the technical aspects of assets as well as human factors in cybersecurity risk management, vessel crew will be appropriately prepared for possible cybersecurity events. The training ensures that the people in charge of user manuals are clearly aware of risks, actions, and behaviors to be followed in such events.


Photo de jérome FLOURY

Global Service Line Digital Services – Smart-Engineering Manager

BV Solutions M&O

Not too long ago, cybersecurity was not seen as a risk for the maritime industry. We’re helping our clients understand the threats, adapt behaviors, and learn how to integrate effective cybersecurity management in their maritime assets.