Asset Conversion @Adobe Stock

Asset Conversion


Managing conversion projects from start to finish to ensure compliance.

Today’s marine and offshore assets can be converted for new purposes. Owners require an independent assessment from a second party to help them identify the right asset for conversion and to support them in preparing the asset for its new operational functions.

BV Solutions M&O has deep understanding of all the rules and regulations associated with asset conversion. Our experts can help owners identify the assets best-suited to conversion, and provide full consultancy and project management services for a seamless conversion experience.  

Our added-value

Our experts benchmark the condition of an asset prior to conversion or redeployment to a new site.

We support clients’ decision making at every stage of the project—from document review to physical inspection onboard to using structural analysis in completing the assessment.

Our goal is to help clients determine the specific benefits of a potential conversion, and then make a decision on whether to move forward with conversion, while ensuring compliance to all standards.

Thanks to a network of Bureau Veritas experts with extensive project management capabilities, our clients benefit from a fully flexible and cost-effective approach.

Kaombo view

A full suite of project management services

BV Solutions M&O offers a full suite of project management and sub-contractor management services to ensure owners benefit from a seamless conversion experience with minimal operational disruptions. Our locally based experts can offer services that include underwater inspections, safety and risk assessments, corrosion prevention, metallurgy, amongst others. 

view from the sky

Inspection services to avoid the unexpected

In-depth inspections are necessary to ensure the asset is fit for purpose in terms of the conversion project. BV Solutions M&O has the comprehensive know-how to conduct these types of inspections. Our inspection services include the review of steel plate thickness measurements, structural strength, fatigue analysis and more.

Cruise in operation

Covering the full spectrum of asset conversion projects

The level of risk associated with asset conversion varies greatly, depending on the project type. The BV Solutions M&O team of dedicated experts can inspect and assess any type of conversion project to mitigate the risk. This includes traditional conversion projects (tankers to FSO or FPSO, and LNG carriers to FLNG or FSRU) and unique conversion projects (Commercial vessel to navy ships for example)

Claire Peytavin

Assurance Service Line Leader

BV Solutions M&O

Deciding which asset is well-suited to conversion requires specific expertise. You have to be able to efficiently identify key areas for conversion and utilize specialized knowledge to make an accurate determination. With a wealth of experience in this area, BV Solutions M&O is well established to support clients in methodically delivering on their conversion projects.
700+Oil tankers today that are potential candidates for conversion or life extension